Tag Archives: Io

Collage—kill them

fig. 1. ‘Kill them’ aka ‘Why did they vanish from the earth?’ by antyphayes, 2023.

The above, and below (though not the middle…) were made for a friend’s birthday.

fig. 2. ‘Help? From who?’ variant of ‘kill them’ by antyphayes, 2023.

They were made amidst some other experiments in assembly line collage production–for example, here and here. Which may, or may not, explain why there are two versions here. Either that, or indecisiveness. Whatever the case, it is only ‘kill them’ that made its way into the physical-non-electronic-realm (as opposed to the physical-electronic-realm).

Caught up with some meditations and ruminations, there is the question of the person to whom the gift was made. I have here a fragment of something that may offer an explanation.

fig. 3. What happened to Io?

Io? you may well ask. The Jovian satellite, mythological nymph… or something else? This vilm may be of some help:

fig. 4. ‘The Pale Light of Dawn’ (2017).

This has been another Collage Tuesday post. Plus extras.