Collage—the happy turn deadly?

fig. 1. Detail from ‘the happy turn deadly?’ by antyphayes, 2024.

What horrid place is this? An eye for a sun and a sun for an eye? And that unspeakable monstrosity heaving its slithering bulk into view from below? The steady flap of its tendrils blessedly extinguished by the attenuated planetary atmosphere…

The original is the somewhat more prosaic cover of Authentic Science Ficiton, no. 73 (September 1956).

fig. 2. The cover of Authentic Science Ficiton, no. 73 (September 1956).

Having seen the original, be in doubt that what I have presented is authentically inauthentic. Or is that inauthentically authentic science fiction? One or the other…

The title, though, where the hell does the title come from!? Wonder no more, dear reader, for all will be revealed.

fig. 3. ‘The happy turn deadly?’ by antyphayes, 2024.

Do you have the instructions habit?

Can one really stop the intellect forever?

And what exactly has agriculture ever done for you?

This has been another Collage Tuesday post.

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