Tag Archives: thanks capitalism

Collage—Thanks capitalism

fig. 1. ‘Thanks capitalism’ by antyphayes, 2024. Original picture by Marie Cardouat.

Today’s collage was made courtesy of a game of Dixit last Friday night. The card used as the base for the collage, above, was taken from the original Dixit game. The prompt was ‘Thanks capitalism’. Even though no one guessed it, we all agreed that it was the most appropriate picture to go along with the prompt. After discussing it with the prompter, I scanned the card, found a thought balloon from a comic, scanned that, and then got out my trusty Hermes baby, typed up the prompt and then scanned that. Then, with all the elements swimming around in the electronic space of my computron I used the ever reliable Gimp program to being them together in the collage you now hold in your head.

(cue best sarcastic tone, or, at the very least, the most adequate)

“Thanks capitalism….”

This has been another Collage Tuesday post.